Corner Gas Animated is a currently running 13-episode Canadian animated television series, created and written by Brent Butt and David Storey. The series is an animated revival of the sitcom Corner Gas (2004-2009).
The series was announced in December 2016. It premiered on April 2, 2018.
Video Corner Gas Animated
The series will follow the everyday lives of the residents of the small town of Dog River, Saskatchewan. This series will be similar to the original, live-action series, but the creators have acknowledged that the animated format will give them opportunities to do stranger and more unrealistic things that the live-action version could not have depicted or filmed. For instance, cutaway gags in the animated version have included a Mad Max spoof and a gory fight between a Sasquatch and a unicorn.
Maps Corner Gas Animated
All of the original Corner Gas actors will voice the same characters, with the exception of Janet Wright due to her death in 2016. Actress Corrine Koslo was selected to voice Emma Leroy in Wright's place.
- Brent Butt as Brent Herbert Leroy
- Nancy Robertson as Wanda Dollard
- Eric Peterson as Oscar Leroy
- Corrine Koslo as Emma Leroy
- Fred Ewanuick as Richard Henry "Hank" Yarbo
- Gabrielle Miller as Lacey Burrows
- Lorne Cardinal as Sgt. Davis Quinton
- Tara Spencer-Nairn as Officer Karen Pelly
The Comedy Network announced on April 9, 2018 that the premiere episode of Corner Gas Animated, "Dry Bones" is the network's highest premiere in history. It drew in 360,300 viewers to date. It was the number one entertainment program on April 2nd in the demographics of A18-34, A18-49, and A25-54.
Source of the article : Wikipedia